The film tells the story of two exceptionally talented young magicians and close friends, Robert Angier and Alfred Borden, during the Victorian era when magic was thriving. Due to mutual jealousy and suspicion, they become bitter rivals, using various means to prove themselves as the premier magician of their time.
Batman, Two-Face, and the Joker brilliantly reflect the contradictions and choices between good and evil, creating one of the greatest comic book and superhero movies in history. Christopher Nolan renders discussions about art films and commercial films meaningless. "The Dark Knight" not only captures the essence of a classical tragedy but also delves into contemporary American issues such as terrorism and overreaching power. Most importantly, the film is flawlessly captivating.
Time can stretch and fold but never rewind. Your gray hair might be my youth, and one breath of mine could surpass the years of your lifetime. The grand facade of hard science fiction serves only to accentuate the familial bonds and love that transcend time and space.