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La La Land电影
La La Land (2016)
Twenty years later, one evening as you drive home, the melody from the movie starts playing on the car speakers. The moment you hear the first note, a rush of emotions floods over you, just like that night twenty years ago when you heard them for the first time.
稻草人/2020-12-13/1,456 views
The Lake House电影
The Lake House (2006)
A story intertwined with time and space is destined to be difficult to explain logically, but this film happens to be a love story rather than a science fiction film. Love does not require logical explanations.
稻草人/2020-12-13/1,462 views
The Notebook电影
The Notebook (2004)
The most touching aspect is not the story of the first love at 17, nor the reunion after 7 years, but the commitment to stay together for a lifetime until old age, and the mutual agreement to hold hands and leave this world together in the next life.
稻草人/2020-12-13/1,371 views
Reach the end
Recorded movies watched, landscapes, and some scattered words.
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